Thursday, 8 October 2009

Rolling with the times...

Being a design consultancy and constantly having to search out new technologies out there, you often stumble across a few gems (and quite a few pieces of deadwood), that not only aid your work yet make it easier and far far quicker. At the moment the most popular net based technology we use here is Netvibes, with this you can have all your social networking pages (Facebook, Twitter, Blogs etc.) all on one page, along with almost anything else that you find interesting, for me thats BBC Sport and Sky News. This makes it so much easier to update everything in one go and get your voice out there on the net. Social Networking is one of the fast growing ways to connect to your customer and having a platform in which you can reach them instanly is always a plus! So give Netvibes a go, or you can always search out your own Social Networking gem, it will save you time, effort and most certainly stop you from seeing that frustrating little character the Twitter 'Fail Whale'.
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